Stock Enquiry App provides features for checking the availability of the Read Less stock using barcode scan and manual search on phone from anywhere.
Features of Stoke Take App
- Conduct stock take online anytime
- It is always item-wise as you move in the warehouse from one end to the other end by bin location
- Filter Bin Location while for doing stock take
- Barcode scanning or manual search option is available for quick pickup of items from a particular bin.
- Online recording of physical stock balances for each item.
- Change or assign bin location to any item in real -time
- Variance report between physical stock and system stock is automatically generated after stock take is completed
Benefits of Stock Take App
- Ease of Stocktaking process.
- Improve the accuracy to get actual variance.
- Much faster than the traditional stock take methods.
- Accurate information about bin location for quick search of items.
- Save storekeeper’s time in looking for any item.
- Conduct Rrandom stock take for any bin or item