Digital Enterprise Technologies That Contribute To A Sustainable World Environment

It’s no secret that technology plays a significant role in today’s business world environment, and its place in industries will only increase in the coming future. It has made many business processes faster and more efficient and solved a lot of complicated problems for enterprises and their employees as well. Industrial technology experts are looking for ways to make organizations environment-friendly with technology advancements. Next-generation technologies like Enterprise Internet of Things (IoT), Enterprise Mobility Solutions, and Integrated Automation System, are helping to create a sustainable future for the industrial world globally.

By providing a bird’s eye view of businesses, technology is an effective way to make sure regulatory compliance related to laws, guidelines, and specifications relevant to business processes are followed in any organization. The latest technology advancements are regularly being incorporated into end-to-end business processes from centralizing the data through Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) to automating the high-volume tedious tasks across industries through Robotic Process Automation (RPA).

This technological advancement is replacing manual and paper-based methods that are much slower and error-prone with limited capacity. Most importantly, the new technologies allow low-cost business productivity with increased quality and compliance standards, which helps the organizations to become competitive with a sustainable environment.

Mobile Workforce

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the adoption of digital technologies such as ERP, RPA, IoT, and Enterprise Mobility Apps became an extremely popular way to keep businesses running while complying with government orders for stay-at-home. While ERP Technology enabled organizations to provide access to business information to their remote workforce and increase their collaboration effectively, on the other hand, RPA technology helped organizations to automate various labor-intensive work processes like invoice processing, customer support, and asset monitoring and kept the productivity level as per demand. Enterprise Mobility Apps do not lag behind in the advanced environment-friendly enterprise technology solutions as they empower enterprises and their team to accomplish their tasks and connect to customers from their end-points anytime through their mobile phones.
This remote work arrangement also benefits the world environment. Widespread adoption of remote work and empowering employees with new technologies are driving a lesser need for office space, energy, and water. With more remote employees, there will also be less congestion and air pollution in urban centers.

Digital/Paperless Documentation and Communication

It’s well-known fact that during the 21st century, how we live and work needs to be changed significantly to help reduce global warming and misuse of natural resources. When it comes to helping heal our planet, the idea of paperless e-documentation and digital communication can go a long way. It results in saving the paper that would be needed to print a bill or report, as well as the fuel needed to physically get it to the concerned person or office. Beyond paying bills or creating digital reports, communicating with the work team via phone or email also saves paper, energy, and time. Around the world, technologies that are increasingly used by enterprises for Digital/Paperless Documentation and Communication are Business Intelligence (BI), Enterprise Mobility Apps, RPA, and ERP.

Also Read : Overall digital business transformation solutions with ebizframe RPA, IoT, BI and ERP

Smart Companies

Smart enterprise IoT technology solutions and applications are widely used to track and monitor assets, digitalize paper and labor-intensive shop floors in manufacturing plants, optimize machines and make them energy-efficient, and much more.

The IoT is a network of internet-connected objects able to collect and exchange data using embedded sensor technologies. This data enables devices in the network to autonomously ‘make decisions based on real-time information. For example, intelligent machines can raise an alarm if a problem is detected by the sensors. The automation of paper-based business tasks such as reporting and invoices can be done thereby reducing paper wastage.

This digital environmental technology has been enabled by increased connectivity to the internet as a result of the increased availability of fast-speed WiFi, Bluetooth, and smart sensors in office buildings and industrial areas. Experts are predicting that companies of the future will be workspaces where every system, machine, phone, light, and more are interconnected, bringing about the concept of energy-efficient ‘Smart Companies’.

Technology is tackling some of the world’s most pressing environmental challenges for businesses. It helped several industries recover from the recession and pandemic, reduce disguised unemployment, and improve the quality of work. There is still much to develop and improve, but initial results are pointing to exciting and helpful signs for the future of a sustainable business environment. With our comprehensive portfolio of products and services, we, at ESS, are determined to offer advanced digital enterprise technology solutions that help our customers address their business challenges effectively and contribute to a sustainable environment.

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